Thursday, October 24, 2013

Symmetric Encryption, Asymmetric Encryption and Hashing Cryptographic

1. Symmetric encryption. Uses the same public key to encryption and Decryption
Algorithm : DES, AES, 3DES,RC4

2. Asymmetric Encryption: Use public key to encypt the data and private key to decrypt the data.
Like email exchange.
Algorithm : RSA

Sender encypts data with public key and reciever decrypt using private key.

3. Hashing is kind of cryptographic unlike encryption. It is also called one way encryption.
Algorithm : MD5 and SHA-1
It uses secret key or checksum or password salt-random generated value to encrypt the data. It is called one-way hashing as we cannot reverse the original data or decrypt the value back to clear text.

Monday, October 21, 2013

VS2013 Performance Test Approach and Strategy

1. KPI /metrics to identify performance index.
Refer this
The next step is to clearly define your metrics. Examples of metrics include the number of orders processed per minute or the number of milliseconds required to execute a request on an ASP page. Metrics allow you to quantify the results of the changes made between each of your test runs. They provide a comparison to the standard defined for your Web application.

2. Saved your load test results in Database for reports comparison against baseline. Identify baseline date
Say SUT test. One can baseline single user test for given scenario consisting of test cases.
SQL Express: SQLCMD /S localhost\sqlexpress /i loadtestresultsrepository.sql
  • SQL: You can install the database to any existing SQL server. For example, if you had a SQL server named ContosoServer1 you would use the following command:
    SQLCMD /S ContosoServer1 -i loadtestresultsrepository.sql


    3. Identify the acceptable response time per request call
    4. Permissible transaction failure or error count.
    5. Combo load test and load test with data driven.
    Scenario S1
    S1_01 Login
    S1_02 Perform Step 1
    S1_03 Perform Step 2

    Scearnio  S2
    S1_01 Add Details
    S1_02 Perform Step 1
    S1_03 Perform Step 2

    Sceanrio S3
    S1_01 Update Details
    S1_02 Perform Step 1
    S1_03 Perform Step 2

    Broadly I identify 3 high level test scenario. Login, Add and Update

    Ideal Test Condition: Load test With 5 users
    User 1: S1
    User 2: S1
    User 3: S1
    User 4: S1
    User 5: S1
    Same Scenario Different data points different User.
    Run: Concurrent
    Duration of load run: say 30 mins
    Capture Response time

    Real Time Condition: Combo load test with 5 users
    User 1: S1
    User 2: S2
    User 3: S3
    User 4: S2
    User 5: S3
    Different Scenario Different data points different User.
    Run: Concurrent
    Duration of load run: say 30 mins
    Capture Response time


    Friday, October 18, 2013

    SEO: Hash bang vs Push state/Replace State Html5

    SEO in simple terms ensure the web page ranking and indexin for search engine. In order to do so we built our web pages to align to that standard and rules to be SEO non agnostic. Tags, Keywords, meta data and page state helps to get into top of the search list and there we called is is SEO compliant.

    Hash # in website URL helps enables interactive within page. It helps locate quick element and navigation across page scroling without having to make a request back to the server. With this we can manipulate browser history when moving forward and backward due to which overall segment of SEO is defeated. To resolve this Google came up with workaround of Hash # Bang ! in url
    sample link!/User1

    Now it is not a standard but solution to work with SEO on hash issue. We do heavy duty at backend code in server to check “_escape_fragment_” This is again one of the problem in terms of processing and latency.

    Looking into all this HTML5 Push state is good solution to above problem

    For such URL to tell a JavaScript application to load image #1 on to the screen, can be given as URL: – with no Hash at all

    pushState(data, title, url)
    replaceState(data, title, url)

    window.history.pushState(state, state.title, "detail.aspx?article=" + article);


    Thursday, October 17, 2013

    VS2013 Load Test RIG Installation

    VS2013 and its power packed Test Manager for application performance test suite is going to be big leap when moving from QTP load runner. It offers you everything under the sun.
    Before you try VS2013 Ultimate RC its important for us to understand the technical know and how of the subject.

    1. Configuring controller and Agents -Load Test RIG
    2. Combo load test vs Load Test.
    3. Data Driven load test for each user load. Real time scenario
    4. Create Test cases , identify scenarios -Most critical ones
    5. Number of concurrent users.
    6. Sequential or overlapped loading of user session
    7. Think time
    8. Sampling Rate
    9. Base Response time
    10. Thoughoutput/Latency of page
    11. Allowed error count for given passed transactionsvs failed transactions

    Load test RIG Installation and configurations:

    Sunday, October 13, 2013

    The Change Up Android App with Html5 using VS2012

    I always wanting to write my first Android App but ends up in despair as I don't want to move from my comfort zone of Visual studio for that matter .net. Finally I got my small Hello world App installed in Android device. Before this all I would like to share the links/references to starter kit that makes you get going and hopefully you can break or zeal to develop your first app in Android. ITs Html5 so one can port this in Windows phone aswell all you need is windows 8 environment to do it in a right way. Once this is done you can port your app in Windows Store or Google Play full fledgedly.

    Android SDK:
    Java SDK:
    Ant SDK:

    Mandate: VS2012

    Xamarin and Phonegap are the awesome tool to start with your Android app development however if you are .net geek then above enablement is for you.

    Troubleshooting Tips:
    1. If you unable to debug or built app in VS2012 then all you can do it using following command.
    Go to your solution folder then type locate ant.bat
    something like this.
    D:\androidApp1> d:\ant\ant.bat debug

    2. If you unable to configure android SDK , try installing Xamarin as it sets all the environment for you. Still you can through with VS2012.

    3. Update repository .
    d:\Android\android-sdk\tools>android.bat update sdk --no-ui

    4.d:\Android\android-sdk\tools\ant\build.xml:397: SDK Pla
    tform Tools component is missing. Please install it with the SDK Manager (tools\
    Total time: 0 seconds

    Install Android SDK platform.if you install Xamarin, it will take care of this one aswell.

    If your built is successfull you can check for .apk file in release folder and can mail /distribute to Android users for quick test.

    Hope this is helpful.