Saturday, February 17, 2024

A new debugger visualizer for VisualStudio dotnet Entity Framework efcore

A new debugger visualizer for

if you use #dotnet Entity Framework #ef #efcore

Download the extension and see it in action.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Sitecore XMCloud Local setup docker Cheatsheet

 Make sure you have proper dotnet Core version and nodejs version installed if you planning to setup NextJs with Sitecore XMCloud.

.Net Version is important to run Sitecore CLI where nodejs is mostly for nextjs and other commands .

Initial setup commands

iisreset /stop 

Run .\init.ps1 



iisreset /stop


Most common docker command

docker compose up -d

docker compose stop

docker compose down

docker network ls

docker network rm {id of network} mostly this comes handy when _default network settings are already in use

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Sitecore XMCloud Docker Full Local setup Troubleshooting guide

Scenario #1

XMCloud is setup end to end in local, first time docker and everything spin up and runs fine. Some reason, your system restart and docker container stops. You restarted docker containers and you end up seeing the exceptions below.

Try to run traefik and end up seeing below error notification


(HTTP code 500) server error - failed to create endpoint sxastarter-traefik-1 on network sxastarter_default: failed during hnsCallRawResponse: hnsCall failed in Win32: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (0x20)


Open command prompt in administrator mode and just run iisreset /stop