Friday, September 18, 2015

Sitecore CMS : Client Browser cache Nightmare

If there is a system with CMS and CMS supplies data to non CMS system very frequent changes then one has to keep in mind about the browser cache.

There can be a scenario , your application is hosted in self kiosk mode where it has to get refresh after every 2 mins to reflect right data and don't go into sleep mode. Either you enabled attract screen or get the fresh data from the server to keep it going.

Now imagine a situation where content author has published some content and your browser refresh after 2 mins and content is not changes. BOOO......!

What if, it is browser cache is not clear and we are using angularjs to give the best user experience.

Here is the brute force method of disabling browser client side caching mechanism. This will reduce the efficiency and response time of application before you apply this.


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