Tuesday, August 6, 2019

C# Null Object Design pattern

public Customer GetByPhoneNumber(string phoneNumber)
  return _customerRepository
         .List(c => c.PhoneNumber == phoneNumber)

Problem with null

var customer = GetByPhoneNumber(phone);
 //Why null check this break design principle 
int orderCount = customer != null ? customer.OrderCount : 0;
decimal totalPurchase = customer != null ? customer.TotalPurchase : 0m;

Create NotFound Object Property

public class Customer
  public static Customer NotFound = 
     new Customer() { OrderCount=0, TotalSales=0m };
  // other properties and behavior

Final outcome No Null checks required

var customer = GetByPhoneNumber(phone);
int orderCount =  customer.OrderCount ;
decimal totalPurchase =customer.TotalPurchase;

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