Custom Iterators
By Bill Wagner
In this article, I’ll discuss custom
iterators, predicates, and generic methods. You can combine these three
techniques to create small building blocks that plug together in a variety of
ways to solve everyday development problems.
Once you can recognize when to apply this pattern, you will be able to create
a large number of reusable building blocks.
When we build software, we rarely work with
one instance of a data type. Instead,
most of our work centers on collections of data: Lists, Arrays, Dictionaries, or other collections. As
a result, so much of our code appears in a series of loops:
foreach ( Thing a in someContainer)
That’s simple enough, and there’s little
point in trying to get more reuse from that simple construct. But most of our daily work isn’t really that
simple. Sometimes the iteration creates a new collection, or a new sequence.
Sometimes the iteration should only affect some of the elements in a
collection, not all them. Sometimes the iteration will remove some elements
from the collection. With all the
different variations, we’re back to copying code and modifying it. That lowers our productivity. When you create
custom iterators and predicates instead of copying and modifying loops, you
decouple the common actions from the specific code. And, often, you will use
the output from one iteration as the input to another. By using custom iterators to perform the
iteration, you can save memory and increase performance as well.
Let’s start with a simple sample, and
modify that code to create a set of reusable custom iterators and predicates.
Suppose you’ve been asked to print out a list of people you know from the New
York City phone book. It is a contrived problem, but it exhibits the characteristics
of many real-world problems. You need to process a large number of objects (the
list of all entries in the New York City phonebook). You need to extract a
subset of the properties of each object (the first and last names). Finally,
you need to filter the input set to generate the output set (only the people
you know). Your first attempt might look
like this:
// First attempt:
public List PeopleIKnowInNewYork()
newYorkNumbers =
PhoneBook.FindListFor(“New York”);
peopleIKnow = new List();
( PhoneBookEntry ph in newYorkNumbers)
string name = string.Format(“{0} {1}”, ph.FirstName, ph.LastName);
if ( RecognizePerson( name ) )
This code does produce the proper output,
but there’s a lot to criticize. You’ve loaded every name in the New York phone
book into one list. That’s very
wasteful. Chances are you know a very small percentage of people in New York.
It is a big place, after all. However,
by creating a local List of all the
people in New York, you prevent the garbage collector from freeing any of those
entries until the entire list is processed.
At best, that’s very wasteful. If you don’t require a very large memory configuration,
your application probably fails. Also, from a design standpoint, it falls short
of expectations. Chances are that as
this imaginary sample application grows, you will get other requests for similar,
but not identical, features. For example, you may be asked to find everyone you
called in the last six months, and print out the phone number you dialed. Right
now, that produces another method that has almost the exact same contents, with
one or two changes.
As a first step to creating more usable
code, you can create a custom iterator that returns a sequence of names from a
sequence of PhoneBookEntries. That would
look like this:
ConvertToNames(IEnumerable list)
foreach ( PhoneBookEntry entry in list)
yield return string.Format(“{0} {1}”, entry.FirstName, entry.LastName);
This additional method changes your
PeopleIKnow method to this:
// Second attempt:
public List PeopleIKnowInNewYork()
newYorkNumbers =
PhoneBook.FindListFor(“New York”);
List peopleIKnow = new List();
foreach ( string name in CovertToNames(newYorkNumbers))
( RecognizePerson( name ) )
It’s a little better. Now, anytime you get
a new request that requires you to convert a set of phone entries to a set of
strings, you’ve already got the method to do it. One more quick modification to
the method saves you a lot of memory. If
you examine the application, you’ll almost certainly find that you never need
the full list of names. You really only need to enumerate the list of
names. So, you can try this modification
and see if everything still compiles:
public IEnumerable
That works, so you can change the PeopleIKnowInNewYork method to a custom
enumerator method:
// Third attempt:
public IEnumerable
IEnumerable newYorkNumbers =
PhoneBook.FindListFor(“New York”);
foreach ( string name in ConvertToNames(newYorkNumbers))
( RecognizePerson( name ) )
yield return name;
Let’s stop a minute and consider what you’ve
accomplished, and how you can use these techniques in other use cases and other
applications. For this discussion, let’s
assume you’ve changed PhoneBook.FindListFor()
to be an enumerator method as well.
You started with a pipeline that looked like
- Create a list of every phone book entry in the New York
- Examine every entry in that list
- Create name from the phone book entry
- If the name is recognized, add it to the output list
By changing methods to enumerators, you’ve
created a pipeline that looks like this:
- Read an entry from the phone book.
- Create a name for that entry
- If the name is recognized, return the name
- repeat
That’s a good start. This set of changes took away much of the
memory pressure that this method placed on the system. There may only be one PhoneBookEntry and one string
representation of a name in memory at one time. Any PhoneBookEntry objects already processed are eligible for garbage
You can do better by introducing
predicates, in the form of .NET delegates. The code you created is a little bit
more reusable, but still suffers from being very specific to the operation at
hand: finding recognized names from the
New York Phone book. In order to make
this code more reusable, you need to parameterize that specific portion of the
algorithm. The problem, though, is that the specific portion of the algorithm
is actually code. Luckily, the .NET
Framework and C# have a way to introduce code as a parameter to a method: a
Start with your ConvertToNames method. With that as a base, you can build what we
want: a method that transforms an input sequence into an output sequence of a
different type. Here is the ConvertToNames method:
ConvertToNames(IEnumerable list)
foreach ( PhoneBookEntry entry in list)
yield return string.Format(“{0} {1}”, entry.FirstName, entry.LastName);
What you want is to pass the code
‘string.Format(…)” as a parameter to the method. So you change the signature of
ConvertToNames like this:
// A generic method to transform one sequence
into another:
delegate Tout Action(Tin
IEnumerable Transform(IEnumerable list, Action method)
foreach( Tin entry in list)
yield return method(entry);
This has some new syntax, but it’s really
fairly simple. The delegate definition
defines the signature of any method that takes one input parameter and returns
a single object of another type. Transform simple defines a pipeline that
returns the output of the delegate for every object in the input sequence. It’s
the same thing as ConvertToName, but it can be used for any input type, any
output type, and any algorithm that transforms one type into another.
You’d call that method like this:
// Fourth attempt:
public IEnumerable
IEnumerable newYorkNumbers =
PhoneBook.FindListFor(“New York”);
foreach ( string name in Transform(newYorkNumbers,
delegate(PhoneEntry entry)
return string.Format(“{0} {1}”, entry.FirstName, entry.LastName);
( RecognizePerson( name ) )
yield return name;
There are a few new concepts here, so let’s
go over it in detail. This code is a little easier to understand if you change
the structure just a bit. So here’s the
fifth version:
// Fifth attempt:
public IEnumerable
IEnumerable newYorkNumbers =
PhoneBook.FindListFor(“New York”);
IEnumerable names = Transform(newYorkNumbers,
delegate(PhoneEntry entry)
return string.Format(“{0} {1}”, entry.FirstName, entry.LastName);
foreach (string name in names)
( RecognizePerson( name ) )
yield return name;
The expression defining names defines a new
enumeration over all the names harvested from the phone book. It defines the delegate method inline, making
use of anonymous delegates. Note that
I’m only creating a single line delegate here. I’d recommend against creating
complicated methods as anonymous delegates. But, when you need to wrap an
existing function call in a delegate, this syntax is much simpler for other
developers to follow.
There’s one last loop to convert to
something more generic: The loop that
checks for names you know. This one can be refactored into a well-known generic
delegate bool Predicate(T inputValue);
Filter(IEnumerable list, Predicate condition)
foreach (T item in list)
yield return item;
You should recognize this pattern by now.
The Filter is just a pipeline that returns all members of a list that match the
condition specified by the predicate.
One last look at that PeopleIKnowInNewYork method shows how you can use
// Fifth attempt:
public IEnumerable
IEnumerable newYorkNumbers =
PhoneBook.FindListFor(“New York”);
IEnumerable names = Transform(newYorkNumbers,
delegate(PhoneEntry entry)
return string.Format(“{0} {1}”, entry.FirstName, entry.LastName);
Filter(names, delegate(string name)
return RecognizePerson(name);} );
The final version is quite a bit different
than what you started with, and some may argue that it’s not that
different. But it depends on how you
apply it. The final version is structured around much more powerful building
blocks. You built a generic method that
filters a list of any type, as long as you supply the specific condition for a
single item. You built a generic method that transforms a sequence of one type
into a sequence of another type. You can leverage this same technique for other
operations. This method samples an input
sequence, returning every Nth item:
NthItem(IEnumerable input, int sampleRate)
sample = 0;
foreach (T aSample in input)
(sample % sampleRate == 0)
yield return aSample;
This method generates a sequence, based on
some factory method you define:
delegate T Generator();
IEnumerable Generate(int
number, Generator factory)
(int i = 0; i < number; i++)
yield return factory();
And this method merges two sequences of the
same type into a new type combining them:
delegate Tout MergeOne(Tin a,
Tin b);
IEnumerable Merge(IEnumerable first,
IEnumerable second, MergeOne factory)
IEnumerator firstIter = first.GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator secondIter = second.GetEnumerator();
(firstIter.MoveNext() && secondIter.MoveNext())
yield return factory(firstIter.Current, secondIter.Current);
By separating the actions on a single
object from the actions on a sequence of types, you created a set of more
powerful building blocks to work with very large sets of sophisticated data
In this article, I showed you how custom
iterators, delegates, and generic methods can be combined to create more
powerful reusable building blocks for your applications. By applying these techniques yourself, you’ll
find many uses for these techniques, and you’ll be more ready for C# 3.0, where
many of these techniques enjoy more embedded language support.
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