Sunday, January 21, 2024

Prompt Engineering generative AI Model Chat GPT

 Effective ways to use Prompt Engineering generative AI model to solve and give you most accurate fact based information . The inputs to AI model is the key. Machine learning algorithm unleash the most significant information that is hidden unless you give a right quest to AI model to mine the right set of data.

  • Creating effective prompt
  • Evaluating prompt performance
  • Using advanced prompt techniques
Tool required : Chat GPT and DALL-E-2 (Is a AI system that generates realistic images and arts from a descriptions in natural language.

What DALL E stands for

"DALL-E" is a name that refers to a specific artificial intelligence model developed by OpenAI. The name itself doesn't have a literal meaning or stand for anything. It is named after the famous surrealist artist Salvador Dalí, combined with the name of the Pixar character WALL-E. DALL-E is known for its ability to generate creative and unique images based on textual descriptions

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