Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Change the default Sitecore CM CD website name and publish folder path

When installing vanilla sitecore 10 and above , make sure you change the default website directory path otherwise the Sitecore will install the content delivery and content managed website in c:/inetpub/wwwroot.

When you download setup file from Sitecore download repository , make sure you make changes to setup files.

1. Update Physical folder path

To update the folder path, update the XM1-SingleDeveloper.json file and change the default value to the desired folder location.

Look for "SitePhysicalRoot" node and child property or attribute "DefaultValues": "c:/{someworkingfolder}/{YourSitecoreWebsiteName}

2. Give IIS_IUSRS permission to sitePhysicalRoot

Make sure the parent folder {someworkingfolder} has the necessary security permissions. Give permission to (IIS_IUSRS)

3. Rename your website name that is hosted in IIS

To update the Local instance to be the same as our current url, update the setup.exe.config file and update the following values: Look for parameter that value ="{prefix}.cd"

parameter that has value="{prefix}.cm" You are all set! Happy Coding!

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