Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Simple understanding of Encryption Encoding and Hashing




Reversible transformation of data format, used to preserve the usability of data.

  • Base64 for binary format for files, images through text , JWT Token

  • Unicode complex data such as emojis

  • URL encoding dealing with spaces , characters in url etc

A one-way summary of data that cannot be reversed and is used to validate the integrity of data.

Two identical data with same salt generate same hashed data

Two different data with same salt generate different hashed data

For e.g password entered combined with salt generate hashed password.

SHA512 - Secure Hash Algorithm

Secure encoding of data used to protect the confidentiality of data.

Symmetric Encryption: Same key used to encrypt and decrypt data .
Algorithm AES Advanced

Encryption Standard

Asymmetric Public key: Different key to encypt and decrypt data

Algorithm RSA


Encoding, Encryption, and Hashing (

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