Sunday, February 19, 2012

Performance Unrivaled: Quick heal solution to website performance

For me the performance of any web application can be assessed by only two important factors. One is processing of code in server and then carrying those processed output though network & wires to end users. If you processed your code faster than output transmittal through wire is another parameter that makes lot of difference. Its thumb rule, less weight faster it traverse through wire and get downloaded at browser much less time. My intention is to bring some light on these two things. There are different aspects of scale out and scale in approach to support huge user base but that is not my objective. My first level to assess any application is to probe these areas, what time it takes for any code to get processed and give output and next more interesting; how fast I can pass that output to end users browsers window?

1) Time to process input and give output
2) Time to transmit the processed output to end users

This is first level approach to improve performance of any system according to me. Then what comes next is, system capacity thereafter all planning to scale in or scale out servers to support concurrent/user base count. Not to waste much time out here understanding those nitty-gritty’s. My focus areas are,
Part 1
1) Code review. Reduce Warnings. Apply best practices Common e.g make use of string.builder , string.empty, string.IsnullOrEmpty()==true, Remove unwanted references.
2) Check cyclomatic complexity. Terminate unnecessary looping ,apply break if possible
3) Always keep tracing and bebug false
4) Use Server.transfert wherever possible
5) Make use of datareader wherever possible. Reduce use of dataset
6) Open and close the connection in the method.
7) Explicitly close connections in case of data reader.
8) When using DataReaders, specify CommandBehavior.CloseConnection.
9) Do not explicitly open a connection if you use Fill(SQL dataadapter or Update for a single operation.
10) Avoid checking the State property of OleDbConnection.
11) Connection Pooling.
12) Check for number of tier database calls. Say for example –if one page makes 20 database calls then this is of concerns. Reduce number of database call. Keep tier less chatty. Identify this bottleneck using VS2010 Tool.

Part 2
1) Reduce Viewstate size. Tool Enable page trace=true at page level
2) Use JQuery +Jason for low weight data display. Popup etc.
3) Ajax
5) Remove Favicon.ico if not required .Use

Reduce javascript file size .use Minify JS tool
Reduce CSS fie size .Use Minify CSS tool
Smush and optimizes image. Use All tool. Check this out

. Select file such image folder , css and javascript..
2.Click the HTTP Headers tab.
Select the Enable content expiration check box.
Click Expire immediately, Expire after, or Expire on, and type the appropriate expiration information in the corresponding boxes.
Click OK.
On the website’s entry right click->properties.
Select the HTTP Headers tab.
Add a new entry with Etag as the name, leaving the value blank.
In production environment disable debug mode and tracing option.
· Detailed Code Component
· Database changes
· Frontend Changes
· Server side configuration changes/Tuning
· What are we going to do?
· What are we going to achieve?
· Areas of Improvement.
· Tools for Performance Engineering
· Recommendation & Suggestions
· Pagination using database
· Sorting using database
· Search employee using database
· DC View using database
· Time Booking using database
· Export excel using database
· Refresh employee popup
· ***Very very important – Move dropdowns code in Page_Init for DC view.
· < asp:DropDownList ID="drpCountry" OnInit="drpCountry_Init" DataTextField="value" DataValueField="key" runat="server" TabIndex="1">
· //save viewstate
· protected void drpCountry_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
· {
· IDictionary countryList = new Dictionary();
· countryList.Add(00, "INDIA");
· countryList.Add(01, "SRILANKA");
· countryList.Add(02, "NEPAL");
· countryList.Add(03, "BUTAN");
· //*** Bind Grid
· drpCountry.DataSource = countryList;
· drpCountry.DataBind();
· }
Remove unwanted view states at control level
Disable Logging in IIS
Remove Sticky Session- Disadvantage if one server fails user stick to same server as session is sticky.
Factor Availability Architecture Best Practice and Norms.
Enabled HTTP Compression in IIS
Using HTTpWatch we can eliminate http request 400 and 500 error
Tools , That helps as Hook and Lever To drive this-
1) HttpWatch/fiddler
2) Performance counter
3) Logparser
4) Code aanlysis VS2010
5) FXcop
6) YSlow

The tuning process is an iterative processing that consists of the following set of activities.
We have to act methodically and with determination and be steadfast to overcome performance issue.
Combine all JavaScript and css files into one respectively.
Design Principle Guidelines

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